Travel Inspiration Articles • Expert Vagabond Adventure Travel Blog Adventure Travel & Photography Blog Wed, 05 Apr 2023 17:48:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 50+ Best Travel Quotes To Inspire Wanderlust (Ultimate List) Mon, 08 Apr 2019 12:38:57 +0000 These are the best travel quotes of all time! Feed your wanderlust with inspirational travel quotes.

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

Best Travel Quotes List
Best Inspirational Travel Quotes Of All Time
Inspirational Travel Quotes

Travel quotes always help me express the many emotions I feel when traveling to new places. Feed your wanderlust with my favorite inspirational travel quotes from famous travelers!

I’m slightly embarrassed to say that I love inspirational travel quotes.

Memorable quotes about traveling have the ability to capture little moments of clarity that highlight truths about travel, adventure, and life.

Great quotes like these remind me that the emotions I’ve felt while traveling the world for the past 10-years have been experienced by many other people, too.

We’re all beautifully connected with each other by a love for travel!

Below you’ll find some of my favorite travel quotes, and feel free to share the included image quotes on your own Instagram or Pinterest accounts too.

Top 50 Travel Quotes Of All Time

Adventure is worthwhile Travel Quotes

1. “Adventure is worthwhile.” – Aesop

It doesn’t get more simplistic than Aesop’s take on traveling, the ancient Greek storyteller. This classic travel quote continues to inspire me.

Travel leaves you speechless quote

2. “Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

Traveling to seek other places quote

3. “We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls.” – Anais Nin

Anais Nin’s quote about traveling on a constant search for things that will make us feel whole sums up the desire to keep learning through experiences.

Memorable travel quote from Tim Cahill

4. “A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill

I’ve made many friends around the world, and the people you meet are always more memorable than checking things off a bucket list.

Richard Burton's inspirational travel quote

5. “The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

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Anthony Bourdain Travel Quotes

6. “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain

The late, great Anthony Bourdain really hit the nail on the head. I will truly miss his wisdom. I’ve seen both sad and awe-inspiring things on my travels that I thought I’d never be able to explain to others properly.

Chuck Thompson's wise travel quotes

7. “No place is ever as bad as they tell you it’s going to be.” – Chuck Thompson

Radmacher's Quotation on Travel

8. “I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

Travel makes one modest

9. “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert

Flaubert’s insightful take on travel. I definitely used to think that my life, and my country, played a bigger role in the world until I packed up and hit the road.

Travel Quote 10: Thoughts on traveling light

10. “He who would travel happily must travel light.” – Antoine de St. Exupery

This is one of my travel mottoes after an unfortunate experience trying to haul a massive travel backpack from the airport to a hotel via public transportation.

Enjoying these travel quotes? Feel free to share my quote photos on Pinterest or Instagram accounts! Also, check out my favorite motivational adventure quotes here

Famous Quotes About Travel

11. “The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.” – Henry David Thoreau

Freya Stark Quote

12. “To awaken alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.” – Freya Stark

13. “The life you have led doesn’t need to be the only life you have.” – Anna Quindlen

14. “Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all of one’s lifetime.” – Mark Twain

We all have preconceived notions, but traveling has shown me that many are usually false. One of his top travel quotes!

Work While Traveling

Work & Travel The World

Want to make money traveling? Check out my ultimate guide to finding jobs that let you travel.

Classic Travel Quotes from Andre Gide

15. “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Andre Gide

I used to be afraid to reach beyond my comfort zone. This is a great travel quote about throwing off the so-called safety net of your comfortable surroundings.

16. “The use of traveling is to regulate imagination with reality, and instead of thinking of how things may be, see them as they are.” – Samuel Johnson

Travel Quotes and Inspiration

17. “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine

We may feel safe in our little bubble, but it’s also boring. That’s the primary reason I started traveling several years ago, and I’ve fallen in love with the thrill of discovery. It doesn’t get any more real than this short travel quote.

18. “Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – Seneca

When I travel, I’m able to give my mind something new and exciting to focus on. Studies say that we need to keep learning in order for our minds to thrive.

Fake Mark Twain Quote

19. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain (?)

While this is one of the most popular travel quotes of all time, it’s actually FAKE. Mark Twain never said this. The real author is H. Jackson Browne Jr. in his book PS I Love You, about letters written to his mom.

There are a few fake travel quotes out there, so be careful what you share!

20. “With age, comes wisdom. With travel, comes understanding.” – Sandra Lake

Anonymous Quotes On Traveling

Travel quotes and sayings about your journey

21. “Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.” – Anonymous

This simple travel quote says it all. My mind craves new experiences, and I quite simply cannot get them from my hometown anymore. By going somewhere new at least once a year, I continue to grow in numerous ways.

Investing in Travel

22. “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” – Anonymous

23. “Better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times.” – Asian Proverb

Working to save for travel

24. “Work, save, travel, repeat.” – Anonymous

This is basically the story of my life! I work to save money for travel, in a never-ending cycle. Travel is an addiction for some of us. This photo was taken on a very expensive trip to Antarctica!

25. “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Anonymous

26. “Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you’d drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It’s more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.” – Ray Bradbury

Peter Hoeg Travel Quote

27. “Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.” — Peter Hoeg

I’ve been at my best, and at my absolute worst while traveling. Emotions are bigger during these trips because there’s so much new information to process. Peter’s travel quote reveals a truth that many travelers can relate to.

READ MORE: My Favorite Travel Books & Writers

Best Quotes about Traveling from Eugene Fodor

28. “You don’t have to be rich to travel well.” – Eugene Fodor

Creator of the famous Fodor Guides Eugene Fodor’s quote helps highlight that people of almost any budget can travel. For example, a few years ago I hitchhiked across the United States for 5 weeks, and it was one of my best travel experiences.

29. “If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.” – James Michener

John Steinbeck Travel Wisdom

30. “People don’t take trips, trips take people.” – John Steinbeck

31. “When overseas you learn more about your own country, than you do the place you’re visiting.” – Clint Borgen

32. “To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.” – Bill Bryson

33. “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller

34. “Travel is never a matter of money, but of courage.” — Paulo Coelho

Yes, travel does require some money. However, you’ll also need to gather enough courage to temporarily cast off everything about your daily life that makes it so comfortable — and boring.

35. “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch

36. “Every man can transform the world from one of monotony and drabness to one of excitement and adventure.” – Irving Wallace

READ MORE: How To Find The Cheapest Flights

Wanderlust Travel Quotes

37. “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

38. “The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.” – Shirley MacLaine

39. “I travel a lot; I hate having my life disrupted by routine.” – Caskie Stinnett

Wanderlust Travel Quotes

Travel Experience Quote

40. “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

Everything I’ve learned during my travels has forever expanded and changed my mind. This travel quote shows Holmes clearly grew in a similar way.

41. “Remember that happiness is a way of travel – not a destination.” – Roy M. Goodman

42. “Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the trip.” – Babs Hoffman

43. “Once in a while it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told to.” – Alan Keightley

44. “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller

Susan Sontag Quote

45. “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” – Susan Sontag

READ MORE: Money Saving Travel Resources

Take Only Memories, Leave Only Footprints

46. “Take only memories, leave only footprints.” – Chief Seattle

This is one of the classic wanderlust quotes that’s perfect for your Instagram captions. It breaks my heart to see historic areas filled with trash by careless travelers. We have a responsibility to preserve things as much as possible.

47. “Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by.” – Robert Frost

48. “There is no moment of delight in any pilgrimage like the beginning of it.” – Charles Dudley Warner

Travel Quotes For Inspiration

Oh the places you'll go

49. “Oh the places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss serves as a reminder that we can go anywhere if we stop putting restrictions on ourselves. The world is waiting; we just have to have the courage to answer the call. Doing this, again and again, has given my life meaning.

Matthew Karsten Travel Quote

50. “Investment in travel is an investment in yourself.” – Matthew Karsten

Yup. I totally just included one of my own travel quotes. Ha! But I really mean it too. When I first quit my unfulfilling day job to go backpacking around the world, I didn’t know what I was doing, or where it would all take me.

Traveling has taught me a lot about life, and myself.

51. “For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

52. “Our happiest moments as tourists always seem to come when we stumble upon one thing while in pursuit of something else.” — Lawrence Block

53. “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” – Aldous Huxley

54. “Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.” – Jack Kerouac

55. “Life is short and the world is wide, the sooner you start exploring it, the better.” – Simon Raven

56. “To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.” – Bill Bryson

57. “To travel is to live.” – Hans Christian Andersen

58. “Travel makes a wise man better but a fool worse.” – Thomas Fuller

59. “I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” – Mark Twain

60. “When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money.” – Susan Heller

Heller’s widely quoted travel adage has influenced the way I travel. I used to pack way more than I needed, and this hindered my travels. Cutting your luggage down and packing more money always makes things easier.

61. “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” – David Mitchell

62. “I travel because it makes me realize how much I haven’t seen, how much I’m not going to see, and how much I still need to see.” – Carew Papritz

63. “Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.” – Anita Desai

Indian novelist Anita Desai nails this one with her inspiring quote about traveling. We’re all shaped by each of our experiences. I love it that every new adventure helps shape me for the better. 

64. “We travel for romance, we travel for architecture, and we travel to be lost.” – Ray Bradbury

Final Thoughts On Traveling

Kayaking in Antarctica
Have Fun Traveling!

Traveling is one of the best ways to open your mind and heart to the world. As a result, I’ve experienced the full range of emotions during my travels.

Although this has sometimes meant having my lifestyle and point of view challenged, I wouldn’t give up a single second of it because it helped shape me into the person I am today. Travel can change your perspective.

Many of these quotes have inspired me to keep exploring our world.

If you’re looking for inspiration to fuel your wanderlust, you’re certain to find the perfect quotation above!

I hope they inspire you to pack up everything and head out into the unknown, to explore the farthest reaches of our planet (and your soul) — to see the world for what it really is. ★

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Budget Travel Planning Resources
Packing Guide
Check out my travel gear guide to help you start packing for your trip.
Book Your Flight
Ready to fly? Here’s how I find the cheapest airline flights.
Rent A Car
Discover Cars is a great site for comparing car prices to find a deal.
Cheap Accommodation
Learn how I save money booking hotels & vacation apartments.
Protect Your Trip
Don’t forget travel insurance! Protect yourself from possible injury & theft abroad. Read why you should always carry travel insurance.

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I hope you enjoyed my guide to the best travel quotes for inspiration! Hopefully you found it useful. Here are a few more wanderlust-inducing articles that I recommend you read next:

Have any other great travel quotes I might have missed? Which is your favorite? Join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to share!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

50 Epic Adventure Quotes To Kick You Off Your Couch Wed, 19 Dec 2018 07:48:10 +0000 These are my favorite adventure quotes to inspire you to explore the unknown. Boost your adrenaline with these motivational musings from famous risk-takers.

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

Best Adventure Quotes
Adventure Quotes for Outdoor Inspiration
Travel Inspiration

These are my favorite adventure quotes to inspire you to explore the unknown. Boost your adrenaline with these motivational musings from famous risk-takers.

Are you hunched over the couch, covered in cookie crumbs, battling friends in Fortnite, and daydreaming about the endless REAL adventures around the world just waiting to be experienced?

Sometimes we just need a little extra travel inspiration to get us moving in that direction, and that’s where these quotes about adventure can help.

After exploring the world for the past 9 years, I constantly receive messages from people who dream about injecting more adventure into their lives, but are unsure where to begin.

So here are my favorite adventure quotes to help you jump off that dirty, depressing couch this year and plan an incredible journey for 2020!

Best Adventure Quotes

Best Adventure Travel Quotes
If it scares you it might be good to try…

1: “If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.” – Seth Godin

2: “Because in the end, you won’t remember the times you spent in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain.” – Jack Kerouac

3: “May your adventures bring you closer together, even as they take you far away from home.” – Trenton Lee Stewart

4: “And then there is the most dangerous risk of all – the risk of spending your life not doing what you want, on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” – Randy Komisar

Inspiring Adventure Quotes
Beautiful paths can’t be discovered without…

5: “Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.” – Erol Ozan

6: “A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints.” – Wilfred Peterson

7: “When a man is a traveler, the world is his home and the sky is his roof, where he hangs his hat is his home and all the people are his family.” – Drew Bundini Brown

8: “I travel because I’d rather look back at my life, saying ‘I can’t believe I did that’ instead of ‘if only I had’.” – Florine Bos

9: “You must go on adventures to find out where you truly belong” – Sue Fitzmaurice

[su_note note_color=”#f7f7f7″ text_color=”#333333″ radius=”3″ class=”quote”]Enjoy these adventure quotes? Feel free to share my fun quote images on Pinterest or Instagram! Also, check out my favorite inspirational travel quotes.[/su_note]


Best Adventure Quotes
The purpose of life is to live it!

10: “The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for a newer and richer experience.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

11: “Wilderness is not a luxury but necessity of the human spirit.” – Edward Abbey

12: “I travel because I become uncomfortable being too comfortable.” – Carew Papritz

13: “Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach of us more than we can ever learn from books.” – John Lubbock

14: “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!” ― Hunter S. Thompson

Quotes about Adventure
If happiness is the goal then adventures should be…

15: “If happiness is the goal – and it should be, then adventures should be top priority.” – Richard Branson

16: “To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world. You are surrounded by adventure.” – Freya Stark

17: “Then I realized that to be more alive, I had to be less afraid. So I did it. I lost my fear and gained my whole life.” – Anonymous

18: “One travels to run away from routine, that dreadful routine that kills all imagination and all our capacity for enthusiasm.” – Ella Maillart

19: “If you don’t get out of the box you’ve been raised in, you won’t understand how much bigger the world is.” – Angelina Jolie

Adventure Sayings
The danger of adventure is worth…

20: “The danger of adventure is worth a thousand days of ease and comfort.” – Paulo Coelho

21: “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” – Henry David Thoreau

22: “If you want to know the truth of who you are, walk until not a person knows your name. Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass. A long stretch of road will teach you more about yourself than a hundred years of quiet.” – Patrick Rothfuss

23: “The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling.” – Anonymous

24: “When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Camping at Night
The world is big and I want to have a good look at it…

25: “The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.” – John Muir

26: “I urge you; go find buildings and mountains and oceans to swallow you whole. They will save you, in a way nothing else can.” – Christopher Poindexter

27: “I do not want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.” – Diane Ackerman

28: “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.” – T.S Eliot

29: “I love the places that make you realize how small you and your problems are.” – Anonymous

Hawaiian Coastline
Adventure isn’t hanging off a rope…

30: “Adventure isn’t hanging off a rope on the side of a mountain. Adventure is an attitude we must apply to the day to day obstacles of life” – John Amat

31: “Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure.” — Bob Bitchin

32: “We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru

33: “It’s time to remember what it’s like to feel alive.” – Anonymous

34: “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” – Anais Nin

Hiking snowy mountains in California
The best view comes after the hardest climb.

35: “The best view comes after the hardest climb.” – Anonymous

36: “I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.” – Eric Roth

37: “Until you step into the unknown, you don’t know what you’re made of.” ― Roy T. Bennett

38: “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

39: “Then one day, when you least expect it, the great adventure finds you.” – Ewan Mcgregor

Glacier in Greenland
Live the life of your dreams!

40: “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey

41: “You know you are truly alive when you’re living among lions.” – Karen Blixen

42: “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir

43: “If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet.” – Rachel Wolchin

44: “Don’t die without embracing the daring adventure your life was meant to be.” – Steve Pavlina

Snowy mountain adventure in Iceland
It’s not the mountain we conquer…

45: “It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” – Sir Edmund Hillary

46: “Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey.” – Babs Hoffman

47: “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.” – Douglas Adams

48: “I feel the need to endanger myself every so often.” ― Tim Daly

49: “Travel is not really about leaving our homes, but leaving our habits.” – Pico Iyer

Adventure travel quote image
Jobs fill your pockets, adventures fill your soul.

50: “Jobs fill your pockets, but adventures fill your soul.” – Jaime Lyn

51: “A life lived in fear is a life half lived.” – Spanish Proverb

Final Thoughts On Adventure

The truth is, it’s not about WHERE you begin your adventure, it’s simply taking that first step to kick-off a chain reaction. Even if that step is scary.

One small step turns into one giant leap… and all that jazz (thanks Neil!).

So get out there, and inject some more adventure into your life!

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I hope you enjoyed my guide to the best adventure quotes to motivate you! Hopefully you found it useful. Here are a few more wanderlust-inducing articles that I recommend you read next:

  • Curious how I’m able to fund my adventures? This is how I make money with this travel blog.
  • If you liked these quote images, I have even more inspirational travel quotes right here.
  • Are you a movie fan? Get ideas for your next trip with my favorite travel movies of all time.
  • Is Instagram ruining travel? I think it’s causing some big problems for us all…
  • Learn how to choose the perfect travel camera for any budget with my handy digital camera buyer’s guide.

Have any cool adventure quotes I missed? What about other suggestions? Join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to share!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

30 Best Travel Books To Fuel Your Wanderlust Sun, 15 Oct 2017 17:55:41 +0000 These are some of the best travel books ever (in my opinion). If you're looking for travel inspiration, you can't go wrong with this wonderful collection of travel stories & helpful guides.

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.


Best Travel Books of All Time

What are the Best Travel Books?

Travel Inspiration

These are some of the best travel books ever (in my opinion). If you’re looking for travel inspiration, you can’t go wrong with this collection of travel stories & guides.

I’ve been traveling the world for 9 years now, and it all started after I was inspired by reading some incredible travel books.

Some of my favorite travel books are based on other people’s travel adventures, while travel how-to guides taught me that international travel is accessible to everyone, not just wealthy & retired people.

So here is my personal list of the best travel books of all time.

I’ve split the list up into two sections. My favorite travel stories/novels, and the most useful books about how to travel the world.

Once I’ve finished reading any of these books, I feel the instant urge to pack my bag and head out to explore the world somewhere new!

Well written travel books like these have helped inspire my own personal travel goals over the years — and will continue to do so.

So if you’re looking for motivation from great travel writers, or experience a travel adventure of your own, make yourself comfortable and grab a couple of my favorites listed here.

They are sure to inspire wanderlust in everyone who reads them…

[su_note note_color=”#f7f7f7″ text_color=”#333333″ radius=”3″ class=”quote”]”The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” ~ Saint Augustine[/su_note]

My Favorite Travel Books For 2020

Best Travel Stories & Novels

1. Travels With A Donkey In The Cévennes

By Robert Louis Stevenson

Travels With A Donkey In The Cévennes is one of the first travel books I ever read. It takes you on a walking journey with Robert and his donkey Mosestine across a mountainous region of France.

You get to feel what traveling through 1870’s Europe was like, including the landscape, religion, and the people. Robert & his donkey don’t get along at first, but through trial and error they learn to become travel companions.

Best Travel Books: Travels With A Donkey

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2. Shantaram

By Gregory David Roberts

Shantaram is set in the underworld of contemporary India, where an escaped convict from Australia named Lin is hiding out. He searches for love while running a clinic in one of the city’s poorest slums and simultaneously working for the Bombay mafia.

It’s one of the best-written novels I’ve read and sucks you right into an amazing story full of love, beauty, betrayal, brutality, and compassion. The book has been criticized for being more fiction than fact, however, I still highly recommend it as a great travel book. It’s incredibly entertaining and thought-provoking either way.

Best Travel Books: Shantaram

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3. World Walk

By Steven Newman

World Walk is the story of newspaper writer Steven Newman who at the age of 28 packed his bag to start a 4 year long journey around the world on foot. He walked his way across 22 countries in 5 continents.

He shares heartfelt stories of the people he meets along the way, as well as wild adventures including arrests, wars, blizzards, wild animal attacks, wildfires, and more. A lesson of hope and love told through the exciting adventures of independent budget backpacking.

Best Travel Books: World Walk

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4. On The Road

By Jack Kerouac

On The Road is a classic American travel book. It’s the semi-autobiographical story of Sal Paradise (based on Kerouac himself) & Dean Moriarty’s cross-country hitchhiking and train-hopping journey across rural America in the 1940’s.

Written in a rambling diary style, and a bit hard to follow at times, Kerouac takes to the road looking for adventure, sex, drugs, and mischief. A great read for those who would like to escape the real world for a while and just go where the wind blows them.

Best Travel Books: On The Road

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5. The Alchemist

By Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is an international best-seller that tells the mystical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of treasure. However on his adventurous quest, he finds himself instead.

This is a powerful book that inspires courage & chasing your dreams. It teaches important life lessons using entertaining stories. It helped me overcome my own fears about what to do with my life, as well as millions of other readers around the world.

Best Travel Books: The Alchemist

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6. In A Sunburned Country

By Bill Bryson

In A Sunburned Country follows Bill’s hilarious journey through the sunbaked deserts and endless coastlines of Australia, trying not to get killed by the deadly wildlife. It’s full of fun & interesting facts about the country.

It’s not your typical guidebook to Australia, but a must-read if you plan on traveling there. He really gives you a sense of the place, its quirks, and the people using some very entertaining storytelling and history.

Best Travel Books: In A Sunburned Country

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7. Marching Powder

By Rusty Young

Marching Powder is the true story of a British drug dealer’s five years inside a very strange Bolivian prison, where whole families live with inmates in luxury apartments and cocaine is manufactured.

When you spend time backpacking around the world, you sometimes find yourself in ridiculous situations no one back home would believe. This is one of those crazy stories — and one of my favorite reasons to travel.

Best Travel Books: Marching Powder

Check Price On Amazon →

8. The Cat Who Went To Paris

By Peter Gethers

For the wary soul who needs a bit of extra convincing of the life-changing wonders that await abroad, there’s perhaps no better resource than The Cat Who Went To Paris. Peter Gethers’ global journeys with a cat named Norton puts a dose of adorable humor into many common travel situations.

Norton accompanies Gethers on filmmaking trips and helps convince the love of his life that he is the one. After years of adventuring the three settle in New York, Norton is one of the city’s most well-traveled felines.

Best Travel Books: The Cat Who Went To Paris

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9. Love With A Chance Of Drowning

By Torre DeRoche

Love With A Chance Of Drowning is the travel memoir of Torre, who reluctantly leaves her corporate lifestyle to live on a sailboat with a man she just met, and their adventure across the South Pacific together.

Along with all the challenges and wonder they experience on the trip, the book takes you on a beautiful, romantic and deeply personal journey of self-discovery. It’s very entertaining and funny, I couldn’t put it down. Chasing dreams is always scary, but usually worth it.

Best Travel Books: Love With A Chance Of Drowning

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10. Dark Star Safari

By Paul Theroux

Theroux earned his reputation as one of the all-time great travelogue writers because he lives every word that he writes. Dark Star Safari takes readers through his voyage from the top of Africa to the bottom.

He often finds himself at the bottom of his own barrel and unsure of what will happen next. It’s an honest account by a writer that is as ‘working class’ as travel writers come. Overall, an honest if not always refreshing take on overland travel in Africa.

Best Travel Books: Dark Star Safari

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11. Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

By Douglas Adams

When Earth is taken over and ultimately destroyed by alien ‘Vogons’, Arthur Dent makes a lucky escape as he is rescued by his friend, Ford Prefect (who turns out to be an alien researcher for the titular Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – a huge guide detailing every planet in the universe).

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is the first of a hugely popular series of books, which I would recommend to any travel lover. But you don’t have to take my word for it, the first book alone sold around 16 million copies and has been translated into 35 languages.

Best Travel Books: Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

Check Price On Amazon →

12. World Travel: An Irreverent Guide

By Anthony Bourdain

If you are a fan of Anthony Bourdain, you will know that he spent a lot of his time in some of the world’s most fascinating places. He traveled from his hometown of New York to Tanzania and everywhere in between, soaking in every experience he could get his hands on.

‘World Travel: An Irreverent Guide’ is a collection of Bourdain’s journeys, injected with his famous frank and honest tone of voice. The book also includes essays written by his friends and family that will bring you even deeper into his stories.

Best Travel Books: World Travel: An Irreverent Guide

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13. The Lost City Of The Monkey God

By Douglas Preston

For the mystery novel fans out there, The Lost City Of The Monkey God is a fascinating medical mystery, based on a pioneering adventure into the world’s densest jungle. It is believed that this particular jungle holds immense wealth inside, but you will have to find it. The only problem is, Indigenous tribes who fled there have warned that anyone who finds the sacred city will die.

While Journalist Theodore Morde thinks that he has returned from the rainforest safely, with bags filled with artifacts, he mysteriously commits suicide and never reveals the location of the sacred city. This book will draw you in from the get-go.

Best Travel Books: The Lost City Of The Monkey God

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14. Bad Lands: A Tourist On The Axis Of Evil

By Tony Wheeler

Bad Lands author Tony Wheeler, has a fantastic way with words, as he details his travels through destinations that are often described as some of the most repressive and dangerous countries in the world. With stories about Afghanistan, Cuba, Iraq, Libya, North Korea and many more, Wheeler explores each country’s attitude towards human rights, terrorism and foreign policy.

It’s not all bad though, he shares the tales of countless locals, tour guides and travel industry workers, who bring a real insight into each country and debunk the popular myths. Wheeler also happens to be the founder of Lonely Planet, so he has gathered plenty of fascinating stories over the years.

Best Travel Books: Bad Lands: A Tourist On The Axis Of Evil

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15. The Geography of Bliss

By Eric Weiner

When Eric Weiner took a deep dive into the worlds data on happiness, he discovered that there are many other countries doing a much better job of keeping their population happy and content in their day to day lives. Traveling from America to India, with many stops along the way, Weiner documents his journey to investigate what true happiness is.

This book is a wonderful combination of travel tales, science, data and psychology, mixed in with some of Erics famous sense of humour. In his search for answers, he will teach you the key takeaways from the world’s happiest nations.

Best Travel Books: The Geography of Bliss

Check Price On Amazon →

16. Sex Lives Of Cannibals

By J. Maarten Troost

Can you imagine packing up your belongings for a remote life on Tarawa in the equatorial pacific. An island that is just over 100 square miles, located right in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It doesn’t get much more remote than that! Sounds like an adventure right? That’s exactly what Maarten Troost and his fiancé did.

However, Tarawa is not what they expected it to be. From cultural differences, to the daily challenges of life on an island, such as sleeping with bugs, picking ants out of their food, defecating in the sea – this story will have every adventure traveler relating in some way shape or form.

Somehow, Maarten and Sylvia stuck it out on the island for nearly two years. Now, looking back on his time there, Maarten shares the lessons he learned in friendship, culture, and community.

Best Travel Books: Sex Lives Of Cannibals

Check Price On Amazon →

17. Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage

By Alfred Lansing

This action-packed book details the difficult struggles of the 28 man crew onboard the Endurance ship in 1914, as they set sail for Antarctica. After almost 2 years at sea, and only 1 day away from reaching their destination, the ship was crushed by a large pack of floating ice in the Weddell Sea, leaving the men stranded on the pack ice. But it doesn’t end there – the crew continued to drift on the ice for just over a year.

That’s only the beginning of the legendary ordeal of Shackleton and his crew. Alfred Lansing will take you along on the 850 mile journey that followed.

Best Travel Books: Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage

Check Price On Amazon →

18. Lands Of Lost Borders

By Kate Harris

Lands Of Lost Borders, tells the adventurous tale of Kate Harris and her bicycle journey down the Silk Road. In between her studies at Oxford and MIT, Harris set off on an adventure with her childhood friend Mel. While they pedalled for miles on end, their journey takes them to some of the remotest places on earth.

Her story is incredibly reflective of life and our connection to nature. It tackles the boundaries that we set ourselves and the importance of forging new paths, just like Marco Polo and Magellan did.

Best Travel Books: Lands Of Lost Borders

Check Price On Amazon →

19. The Kite Runner

By Khaled Hosseini

This heart-wrenching book tells the story of Amir and his father, baba, in the town of Kabul, Afghanistan. One day, after a kite competition, Amir’s friend Hassan runs to catch their kite, but is attacked in the process and raped by a local bully. ‘The Kite Runner’ details the inner turmoil Amir struggles with throughout his life, knowing that he has betrayed his friend, by allowing the rape and never correcting his failure.

It is a story of childhood trauma, family, friendship and love, that will bring you on a course of emotions through the destructive backdrop of Afghanistan over the last 30 years.

Best Travel Books: The Kite Runner

Check Price On Amazon →

20. Wild

By Cheryl Strayed

This modern day classic is based on Cheryl Strayed’s 1,100-mile solo hike through the Pacific Crest Trail. It all began at 22 years old with the passing of her mother, and her divorce from her husband, which found Strayed at the lowest point of her life. After a brief encounter with heroine, she makes the decision to rebuild her confidence, her self respect and her life.

Starting in the Mojave Desert, she slowly finds her way through California and Oregon, facing every barrier that nature can throw at her, from snakes and black bears, to epic snow fall and sheer loneliness. This story perfectly captures the biggest journey of Strayed’s life.

Best Travel Books: Wild

Check Price On Amazon →

21. A Short Walk In The Hindu Kush

By Eric Newby

Fashion industry worker turned Mountaineer? After 10 years in haute couture, Eric Newby decided to invite his friend Hugh Carless to join him on a hiking trip to Afghanistan. The only issue was that Newby had little to no experience in hiking, but that didn’t seem to stop him.

This must-read book, breaks down his courageous adventure to the remote peak of the Hindu Kush in Afghanistan – a peak that had never been climbed before. Although I am sure he wouldn’t recommend it to his readers, his account of the experience is endlessly entertaining and inspiring to push yourself beyond the limits you have set within your own mind.

Best Travel Books: A Short Walk In The Hindu Kush

Check Price On Amazon →

22. Stranger On A Train

By Jenny Diski

With the backdrop of two cross-country trips on Amtrak, Jenny Diski writes about her experience arriving into the heart of America, while still reflecting on the scars of her past. “I travel in order to keep still” she explains in this vivid travelogue/memoir, as she dives into American culture and the demons of her past, often in the same page. Diski’s story is both captivating and relatable at a human level.

Best Travel Books: Stranger On A Train

Check Price On Amazon →

23. Journeys Of A Lifetime

By National Geographic

Imagine a compilation of the most incredible storytellers and travel photographers all in one book! National Geographic have gathered the best trips from their writers and brought them together to create a journey around the globe.

From the world’s most famous destinations and adventures to the lesser known sojourns, this book features the ultimate list of adventures that you will want to add to your bucket list the minute you read it, from cruises around Antarctica to horse treks in the Andes and every other experience you could ever imagine.

Best Travel Books: Journeys Of A Lifetime

Check Price On Amazon →

Best Travel How-To Guides

Ok now that we’ve got some of my favorite travel novels out of the way, I also wanted to include some more useful travel books in the list too. Books to help you travel cheaper, better, or show you how to travel more!

24. Vagabonding

By Rolf Potts

Vagabonding is what encouraged me to put my real life on hold to backpack around the world for a bit. This book is essentially about the process behind taking time off from your regular life to discover and experience the world on your own terms.

It won’t tell you exactly how to do it, but gives you ideas and confidence to figure it out for yourself. Many long-term travelers have been inspired by what Rolf talks about, including Tim Ferriss. I’d recommend it to anyone who wants to travel more, but thinks they don’t have enough money or time.

Best Travel Books: Vagabonding

Check Price On Amazon →

25. How To Travel The World On $50 A Day

By Matt Kepnes

Coming from a fellow travel blogger, I’ve got to give Kepnes (also known as Nomadic Matt) props for his New York Times bestselling book How To Travel The World On $50 A Day. Matt knows what he’s talking about, and it shows as much in this book as it does on his blog.

He goes into detail on how he’s stayed on the move for so long on a shoestring budget, with tips and tricks coming to life through relatable stories. Also seeping through the pages is a heavy dose of modesty, a necessity when venturing off the beaten path abroad.

Best Travel Books: How To Travel The World On $50 A Day

Check Price On Amazon →

26. Travel As Transformation

By Gregory V. Diehl

Travel As Transformation takes you on Diehl’s journey from living in a van in San Diego, growing chocolate with indigenous tribes in Central America, teaching in the Middle East and volunteering in Africa.

Through these stories, it shows you how profoundly travel can influence your perception of yourself. Diehl has spent the best part of 10 years exploring the world in countries many Westerners couldn’t even place on a map. The journey helps him find who he really is and what freedom means.

Best Travel Books: Travel As Transportation

Check Price On Amazon →

27. Microadventures

By Alastair Humphreys

Microadventures is an uplifting and original concept evolved out of the travel blogosphere and into a catchy book. Instead of pushing his readers to drop everything and hit the road full-time, Humphreys champions the weekend warrior and after-work types with this one.

Among other things, Humphrey’s excursions in his native UK are featured prominently along with tricks of the trade for quick adventure travel. After all, some of the best explorations can happen on your own side of the planet. No need to travel far!

Best Travel Books: Microadventures

Check Price On Amazon →

28. How NOT To Travel The World

By Lauren Juliff

In How NOT To Travel The World Lauren expertly conveys the fears of a first-time solo traveler who, prior to hitting the road, as she lived a rather sheltered life. The overarching theme is conquering fear and living your dream.

She does a solid job of discussing the emotional steps involved in her process too. I don’t know how Lauren gets into so many crazy situations on her travels, but they make for a very entertaining read!

Best Travel Books: How NOT To Travel The World

Check Price On Amazon →

29. Food Traveler’s Handbook

By Jodi Ettenberg

The Food Traveler’s Handbook is an extension of Jodi Ettenberg’s excellent travel blog Legal Nomads, a go-to for all things street food (and eating while traveling in general). So it’s no wonder she’s got a top book on the subject.

Any who are gluten sensitive or have other dietary restrictions can finally rest easy as she breaks down where to go and what to avoid if you want to eat well while traveling.

Other volumes of The Traveler’s Handbook series are equally as helpful:

Best Travel Books: Food Traveler's Handbook

Check Price On Amazon →

30. World’s Cheapest Destinations

By Tim Leffel

The thought that exotic travel has to break the bank is an assumption as sad as it is untrue, and long-time travel writer Tim Leffel proves it in The World’s Cheapest Destinations. Active storytelling and honest facts on not only where to go but how to travel once you get there.

The key takeaway from this book is that proper research and planning, along with a willingness to see a culture for what it really is, can save you a fortune. Oh, and don’t hesitate to bargain – just be respectful when you do so.

Best Travel Books: World's Cheapest Destinations

Check Price On Amazon →

BONUS BOOK: 100 Hikes Of A Lifetime

By Kate Siber

From short day hikes to multi-week backpacking trips, this great coffee table book from National Geographic will inspire you to get out into the wilderness on your next adventure. They highlight some of the world’s best hikes, with awesome photography and summaries for each one.

Make sure to turn to page 148 to see my own personal contribution, photography from Greenland’s Arctic Circle Trail — as they licensed some of my images for the guide. It’s well put together, and I’ve already added a bunch of hikes to my own personal bucket list for the future!

100 Hikes Of a Lifetime Book

Check Price On Amazon →

Well, that’s it for now. I hope you got some good ideas for travel books to read in 2020! I’ll keep updating this list every year with fresh options. ★

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Check out this list of the best travel books to read for inspiration and become a better traveler.
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Check out this list of the best travel books to read for inspiration and become a better traveler.


I hope you enjoyed my guide to the best travel books of all time! Hopefully you found it useful. Here are a few more wanderlust-inducing articles that I recommend you read next:

What are some of your favorite travel books? Did I miss any good ones? Join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to share!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

25 Awesome Instagram Travel Photographers You Need To Follow Tue, 25 Feb 2014 13:15:29 +0000 Need some travel inspiration? Follow my favorite Instagram travel photographers as they capture beautiful images from around the world.

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

Instagram Travelers
Best Instagram Travel Photographers
Travel Inspiration

Need some travel inspiration? Follow my favorite Instagram travel photographers as they capture beautiful images of people, landscapes, and animals around the world.

Checking in on my favorite travel Instagramers has become an almost daily routine. They provide me with a little snapshot of their lives.

A compact digital postcard from very different parts of the world!

Keep in mind my list of photographers is completely subjective. We all enjoy different kinds of photography. Some of these accounts are more personality-driven, while others create a steady stream of incredible travel images.

I update this list with my favorite Instagram travel photographers every year, so it’s always changing. There’s no particular order either — they’re all equally awesome!

Check em’ out, and be inspired by some of the best travel photos online!

UPDATE: There’s no doubt that Instagram has transformed the travel experience. But not all of it has been positive.

Please read my follow-up: Is Social Media Ruining Travel?

Best Travel Instagrammers For 2022

Top 20 Instagram Travel Accounts

1. Expert Vagabond | @ExpertVagabond

Instagram Travel Photographer Matthew Karsten
Follow @ExpertVagabond on Instagram

Yeah, that’s me! Before I share my favorite Instagram travel photographers, I wanted to introduce you to my account first. Shameless self-promotion.

Do you love epic landscapes & adventure photography?

Then you’ll love my account! I’ve been a professional travel photographer & blogger for the past 10 years — sharing crazy adventures like:

2. Ever Changing Horizon | @EverChangingHorizon

Instagram Travel Photographer Quin Schrock
Follow @EverChangingHorizon on Instagram

Quin Schrock shares adventure photos featuring incredibly colorful places from his travels around the world. From mountains to lakes he always manages to capture the most perfect moments. Lots of Vanlife content too.

3. Daniel Kordan | @DanielKordan

Instagram Travel Photographer Daniel Kordan
Follow @DanielKordan on Instagram

Daniel Kordan shoots breathtaking landscape photography from places like Norway, Russia, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, and more. I’m always inspired by his feed. He’s surely passionate about ice and frozen things.

4. Chelsea Kauai | @ChelseaKauai

Instagram Travel Photographer Daniel Kordan
Follow @chelseakaui on Instagram

Chelsea is a definition of an outdoor adventure girl. Although from sunny Hawaii, you can find her camping in the snow, freediving in underwater caves, or performing incredible acts of acroyoga!

6. Be My Travel Muse

Travel with Kristin on Instagram


Kristin is a former investment banker who got fed up with corporate life, and now travels the world seeking off-the-beaten-path adventures. On her account you can see captures from some of the best hikes around the world.

7. Chris Burkard

Travel with Chris on Instagram


Chris is one of the most famous surf and adventure photographers on Instagram, featuring remote landscapes and wilderness locations that are far off the beaten path. He seems to frequently enjoy swimming in icy arctic water too…

8. Kirsten Alana | @kirstenalana

Travel with Kirsten on Instagram


Not only does Kirsten shoot awesome travel photos, but her updates are like mini blog posts full of information about the area she’s visiting. I could definitely use some of her storytelling tips.

9. Lauren Bath

Travel with Lauren on Instagram


Known as Australia’s first professional Instagrammer, Lauren has been capturing beautiful photos of her travels and sharing them for the rest of us. Her shots are both colorful and dreamy.

10. Young Adventuress

Travel with Liz on Instagram


I always enjoy Liz’s scenic photo updates as she hikes, flies, and swims her way through Europe, the Middle East, and New Zealand.

11. Le Backpacker

Travel with Johan on Instagram


Johan is a world explorer with a passion for the outdoors and the wilderness, photographing places like New Zealand, Australia, and Canada. He says that he’s ‘a person who notices beauty in the world’ and it does show in his photos.

12. El Jackson

Travel with Sam on Instagram


Sam is a Finnish photographer who currently resides in Norway, with his wife @hilvees. Through both of their photos you can see a passion for the outdoor adventures as they capture stunning landscapes of Scandinavia and beyond.

13. EmiToms

Travel with Emily on Instagram


Emily will take you for an adventure among the mountains and show you the best sunsets in the US. If you’re a fan of lakes you’ll enjoy her account even more.

14. Tiff Penguin

Travel with Tiffany on Instagram


Tiffany works as a dentist in California, but loves to travel with a camera in her spare time. Her photos are full of colorful adventures in the mountains, national parks and camping spots. She uses small subjects to better demonstrate the immense scale of natural wonders.

15. The Planet D

Travel with Dave on Instagram


Dave & Deb share their adventures around the planet with both beautiful images and humor. Their motto is that adventure is for everyone, at any age. From the arctic to the desert, they travel to photogenic places and are willing to try it all. Kayaking, rock climbing, cycling, and more.

16. The Blonde Abroad

Travel with Kiersten on Instagram


Kiersten’s stream contains fun photos of beautiful places and festivals around the world, with a bit of fashion thrown in. I’m always amazed how her outfits seem to match the backdrop of her shots. She’s a scuba diver too!

17. In A Faraway Land

Travel with Marta on Instagram


Marta is an outdoor lover, who spends a really long time in each destination, getting to know it well and capturing its beauty in a unique way. She seems to have a particularly fondness for the wilderness of New Zealand, Iceland, and Canada.

18. Girl Eat World

Travel with Mel on Instagram


Imagine the #FollowMeTo photo series with food – this would be Mel’s account. She’s showing her favorite local foods in each destination she visits, creating an incredible photo series that gives you a mix of both delicious food and beautiful backdrops.

19. Everything Everywhere

Travel with Gary on Instagram


Gary’s award-winning photography takes you on a virtual tour through some of the many UNESCO World Heritage Sites and National Parks he visits from around the world.

20. Adventures Of Lil Nicki

Travel with Nicole on Instagram


Nicole travels more off the path than on the path. She always managed to find beautiful places everywhere and captures them perfectly. She’s just returning from Antarctica so tune in for some penguin shots!

21. Fun For Louis

Travel with Louis on Instagram


Louis shouldn’t need an introduction. He’s a crazy daily vlogger who also happens to be a great photographer too. His shots are natural, often with friends, showcasing the beauty of spontaneous adventure. He’s constantly going on awesome road trips around the world.

22. Brendan Van Son

Travel with Brendan on Instagram


Brendan is a Canadian photographer who’s been on the road for a while, it seems he’s always moving. Whether in the city, or out exploring the wilderness, he makes his shots look dreamy and inviting. His photos showcase his love for long-exposure photography.

23. Alex Strohl

Travel with Alex on Instagram


Alex is one of the first photographers I followed on Instagram. His epic landscape and adventure images will inspire you to break out your gear and head into the mountains. He spends a lot of time in each destination, which helps him really capture its magic.

24. Anna Everywhere

Travel with Anna on Instagram


Anna has been exploring the world for over 10 years now, from climbing active volcanoes to touring Europe’s best castles. She’s at home in both the desert and the city, capturing awesome Instagram photos from her diverse experiences to inspire you along the way.


I hope you enjoyed my choices for some of the best Instagram travel photographers to follow! Feel free to share your favorites in the comments, and remember to check out my feed:

Thanks so much, I hope you enjoyed it, and happy travels! ★

More Travel Planning Resources
Packing Guide
Check out my travel gear guide to help you start packing for your trip.
Book Your Flight
Ready to fly? Here’s how I find the cheapest airline flights.
Rent A Car
Discover Cars is a great site for comparing car prices to find a deal.
Cheap Accommodation
Learn how I save money booking hotels & vacation apartments.
Protect Your Trip
Don’t forget travel insurance! Protect yourself from possible injury & theft abroad. Read why you should always carry travel insurance.

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I hope you enjoyed my guide to the best Instagram travel photographers to follow! Hopefully you found it useful. Here are a few more wanderlust-inducing articles that I recommend you read next:

Who are your favorite travel Instagrammers? Do you prefer landscapes or cultural photos? Join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to share!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

YouTube Travel Videos: 30 Best Vlogging Channels To Follow Mon, 21 Jan 2013 14:33:38 +0000 Check out these amazing YouTube travel videos from around the world. These travel vlogging channels will inspire you to explore new countries and cultures.

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.


Best Travel Youtubers Guide

Great Travel Video Channels on YouTube

Check out these amazing YouTube travel videos from around the world. YouTube’s best travel channels will inspire you to explore new countries and cultures.

Travel videos are a wonderful diversion during a boring work week. Forget the typical stuff you always find on TV, and tune regularly to watch these funny & inspiring YouTube travel channels!

The following channels (listed in no particular order) are some of my favorites. They are run by individuals for the most part, not big brands. Although there are plenty of cool travel YouTube videos produced by large companies too.

I hope the short travel films and YouTube Vloggers you find here will encourage you to start planning your own crazy travel adventures around the world.

Don’t forget to subscribe for regular updates from these travel vloggers too!

Best YouTube Travel Channels For 2020

1. Expert Vagabond | @ExpertVagabond

Yeah, that’s me! Before I share my favorite YouTube travel vloggers, I wanted to introduce you to my channel first. Shameless self-promotion.

Do you love epic adventure travel from off the beaten path?

Well, you’ll love my channel! I’ve been traveling around the world for the past 9 years — doing things like hitchhiking across the United States, scuba diving around the world, mountain trekking through Afghanistan, explaining how to photograph the northern lights, and more.

Let me show you how to travel the world, break out of your comfort zone, and open your mind to new possibilities.

Watch Expert Vagabond On YouTube →

2. Best Ever Food Review Show

Sonny is traveling the world searching for crazy and weird foods to try while sharing the experience with others. He loves exposing viewers to new cultures, food and customs — and is great at making it very entertaining.

He also just got his own show on the Travel Channel! Congrats buddy!

Watch Sonny On YouTube →

3. Fun For Louis

I was surprised I hadn’t stumbled upon Louis’ youtube travel videos earlier! He publishes DAILY vlog updates about his life as he explore many corners of the world on fun adventures.

One of his recent adventures took him on a 3 month round the world trip, in a four seater plane through 22 countries! He continued to create videos every step of the way to produce an independent feature-length documentary with footage from the flight, and the vision of driving influential change in the world.

Watch Fun For Louis on YouTube »

4. Vagabrothers

Marko and Alex are a pair of travel addict brothers who film their experiences to share with others. Learning about the world through the people in it. Their personality and humor will have you tuning in on a regular basis.

Some of my favourite videos include How to survive long haul flights and Minimalist DIY Travel Essentials. These guys have an endless supply of travel knowledge.

Watch Vagabrothers on YouTube »

5. Fearless & Far

Another favorite of mine, Mike is putting together some of the best travel videos on YouTube. He’s got a creative eye for video work, and shares fascinating topics in a fun & personable way.

He is an extreme adventure travel YouTuber and filmmaker, highlighting the craziest places to go, and the wildest travel experiences out there. To give you a little taste, he has documented an exploding hammers festival, frog poison rituals, scuba diving graveyards… and more!

Watch Mike Corey on YouTube »

6. Hopscotch The Globe

The videos you’ll find on Kristen’s channel help you experience a place through her eyes, and it’s often pretty damn funny. She also publishes interesting how-to videos. Like how women can pee standing up. You know you want to watch…

Kristen & Siya are about to embark on the biggest adventure of them all, as they prepare to welcome baby Hopscotch The Globe to their travel team! Congratulations guys!

Watch Hopscotch The Globe on YouTube »

7. Cailin O’neil

Cailin is a Halifax travel blogger and vlogger who puts together entertaining video-diary pieces full of useful tips & information on popular places & events around the world. She travels by herself, meeting plenty of friendly people along the way.

Once you step into her channel, there is no returning. You will be sucked in by her positive energy and love for new travel experiences. Start here, and prepare to spend the next few hours exploring her content!

Watch Cailin on YouTube »

8. Tourist 2 Townie

Gareth shares videos from his experiences living like a local in different countries for a few months at a time, as well as his charity projects. Plus the occasional absolutely hilarious international music video.

He believes in traveling deeper to truly understand foreign communities through the people and culture that define them. My favorite video of his has to be the Samurai Training in Kyoto, Japan.

Watch Tourist 2 Townie on YouTube »

9. Hey Nadine

Nadine’s travel-related channel simply records her having fun exploring different parts of the world. Her energy is infectious, and the videos make you feel like you’re traveling with her.

Her travels have recently taken her to India, where she documented her entire experience to give you everything you need to know before you visit this colorful country. From her top tips on Jaipur, to the realities of traveling in Mumbai, her channel is packed with inspiration that will make you want to book a flight right now!

Watch Hey Nadine on YouTube »

10. Migrationology

Mark loves to travel, and he loves to eat. But beware, he makes everything look so delicious, so be prepared for hunger to hit you pretty hard!

After graduating from university, he decided to travel for food (why not right?). Along the way, he met his wonderful wife, who now travels the world with him, finding the best food and documenting every delicious bite. The two are now based in Thailand so you can expect to drool over plenty of Thai food videos.

Watch Migrationology on YouTube »

11. Sam & Audrey TV

Sam & Audrey are full time travelers who share their adventures in markets, eating street food, visiting temples, and much more. My personal favourites are their supermarket shopping videos from different countries.

They also create travel guides highlighting the best places to visit, local foods worth eating and tips on how you can save money on your trip. Their goal is to inspire you to travel and eat delicious local cuisine wherever you’re visiting – and it’s working! These guys have inspired my travels on many occasions.

Watch Sam & Audrey on YouTube »

12. Gabriel Traveler

Gabriel Morris has been wandering around the world for almost three decades, visiting five continents and more than fifty countries. He posts videos regularly chronicling his adventurous travels and provides practical info and tips for travelers.

He recently celebrated 3 decades of travel over on his Youtube channel, where he showcased some of the wonderful photos he has taken along his journey.

Watch Gabriel on YouTube »

13. Wolters World

Wolters World Gives Honest 1st Hand Travel Advice to Help Fellow Travelers Get the Most out of Their Travel Experience. He discusses the Best & Worst parts of traveling so that you can be better prepared for your vacation in a way that helps you know more about the culture & people of the city, country, or region you are going to visit.

From The Shocks of Traveling to a new country, to the Do’s & Don’ts of travel, you will love Wolter’s uploads every Wednesday & Saturday.

Watch Wolters World on YouTube »

14. GRRRLTRAVELER | Christine Kaaloa

Christine is an American solo traveler, sharing video travel guides, foodie adventures, cultural shock and travel tips on how to travel alone and survive travel, one country at a time. Her video on how to use an Asian squat toilet has already brought in almost 400,000 views!

Many travelers have recommended Christine’s informative videos to me, making her one of my go-to Youtubers for travel advice and inspiration.

Watch Christine Kaaloa on YouTube »

15. Sailing La Vagabonde

This Australian couple had a dream of circumnavigating the globe by sail boat. Now they have sailed over 50,000nm across many oceans!

Through their videos, they hope to inspire others to explore alternative options of living and to spread ocean awareness. They make videos every single Monday, but if you don’t want to wait until then, I recommend starting with this video.

Watch Sailing La Vagabonde on YouTube »

16. Gone with the Wynns

Jason and Nikki Wynn are perpetual travelers, Sailors, RV’ers and modern day documentarians. They traded in everyday life to satisfy their wear-out-your-shoes sense of adventure.

Their endless positivity will keep you coming back for more as they search, explore, discover, grow, learn out in the open waters. Their hope is to inspire you to find your next adventure; whether it’s a long weekend or a perpetual one like theirs!

Watch Gone with the Wynns on YouTube »

17. The Endless Adventure

Eric & Allison are a travel couple on a journey to find the most interesting places and unique foods this planet has to offer! They’ve traded in their steady paycheques and permanent home for a life of travel and adventure.

Their most popular uploads include some of the tastiest food from around the world and their recent adventures will make you want to pack your bags for Japan immediately! Don’t say I didn’t warn you, hunger and wanderlust await you if you tune in to their content.

Watch The Endless Adventure on YouTube »

18. Rick Steves’ Europe

Rick Steves advocates smart, affordable, perspective-broadening travel. He helps American travelers connect much more intimately and authentically with Europe — and Europeans — for a fraction of what mainstream tourists pay.

Rick is also a best-selling travel author and host of public television’s “Rick Steves’ Europe” and public radio’s “Travel with Rick Steves.”, so there is no end to the information you can get from his content. He dives deep to give you invaluable knowledge for your next trip.

Watch Rick Steves on YouTube »

19. What Doesn’t Suck?

Half French, half American, this expat couple know a thing or two about travel. They create epic travel videos that highlight the best experiences around the world – or in their words, the experiences “that don’t suck.”

They are currently living in Dubai and highlighting the best this amazing city has to offer as well as the incredible and exotic places you can easily escape to from the UAE. Their love for travel is contagious and their “48 hours in…” series will give you some serious inspiration for new places to visit around the world.

Watch Rick Steves on YouTube »

20. Aileen Adalid

Aileen Adalid quit her corporate job in the Philippines to pursue her dreams. Today, she’s a digital nomad living a sustainable travel lifestyle (entrepreneur + blogger + vlogger) and inspiring her community to do the same.

I’m not the only one who loves Aileen’s travel videos. She’s been featured in publications like BBC, National Geographic, Business Insider, Cosmopolitan, Lonely Planet and more. Nice work! One of my favourite videos of hers is the Fox Village in Miyagi Zao.

Watch Aileen Adalid on YouTube »

21. Lost LeBlanc

After quitting his job to travel the world, Christian picked up his camera to tell the story of unconditionally pursuing his passion for filmmaking and travel.

His videography and editing skills are incredible and one look at his Youtube comments will show you just how much of an inspiration he is to his followers. The Lost LeBlanc community is growing rapidly for good reason.

Watch Lost LeBlanc on YouTube »

22. Kara & Nate

I just stumbled upon Kara & Nate’s youtube travel videos recently and I have so much to catch up on! They share their adventures through daily vlogs on YouTube (making a whopping 6 videos every single week).

This husband and wife duo have been traveling full time for over 2 years and they have goal to travel to 100 countries by 2019 – they’re not far off!

Watch Kara and Nate on YouTube »

23. Romina

Romina was born to travel and has been exploring the world with her parents since she could crawl. Those adventures instilled in her a passion for trotting the globe and learning about new cultures. Romina’s videos focus on her personal experience and the comedy of traveling while she films, stars and edits them herself.

Romina is a strong advocate in wildlife education and has a personal goal to show her audience that through travel, we can learn about these animals without taking them out of their homes in a fun and interactive way.

Watch Romina on YouTube »

24. Drew Binsky

Drew first got the travel bug when he studied abroad in Prague and moved to South Korea to teach English, here he started his travel blog ( Since 2012, he’s been to 135+ countries and has a goal to visit every country before turning 30!

If that doesn’t convince you to watch his awesome travel videos, maybe the fact that he holds 2 Guinness World Records will! Intrigued? Me too!

Watch Drew Binsky on YouTube »

25. PsychoTraveller

Originally from Birmingham, England, Aly has been discovering the world for over 4 years straight. She is a psychology graduate with a love for Pho and red wine. Whether she’s throwing herself into a novel or from 14,000ft out of a plane, she looks at adventure big and small and says “Let’s do this!”

PsychoTraveller is more than just travel, its a platform to inform and inspire people of all ages to live the life they want to live. PsychoTraveller showcases through weekly videos her life on the road, the people she meets, the food she tastes as well as the highs and lows behind living as a digital nomad.

Watch PsychoTraveller on YouTube »

26. The Bucket List Family

The Gee family are just your average young family exploring the planet ;)

When they were faced with the decision on whether or not to take the typical next step in life and “grow up”, build a house and settle into careers, they chose the path less taken! They started their family Youtube channel simply because “We feel like we still have so much to learn about life and happiness before we can set up our future life and home.”

From breakfast with Giraffes in Kenya, to snorkeling with humpback whales in Tonga, this adventure loving family will make you think twice about settling down!

Watch The Bucket List Family on YouTube »

27. Allan Su

I recently stumbled upon Allan’s youtube travel videos and can’t seem to look away! His content is focused on capturing his travel experiences while creating helpful travel videos to inspire others to travel more. His work consists of travel vlogs, travel guides, and a sprinkle of filmmaking content, from the Faroe Islands to Japan, and plenty of stops in between.

One of his recent films documents his 10 day road trip around Iceland’s famous Ring Road route. In this spectacular video, he perfectly captures the essence of Iceland and makes his incredible film making skills look effortless!

Watch Allan Su on YouTube »

28. Divert Living

Jimmy and Tah are American and Thai Millennials that left their career in the military and all of their finances to become travelers. After meeting in August 2015 in South Korea, they kicked off their travels in September 2017 with $4000 in a savings account and started publishing their journey online.

They are currently homeless, living life out of their luggage, while telling the fascinating stories of their epic travels around the world. This one could be my personal favourite – when one of their fans invited them to their Indian wedding!

Watch Jimmy and Tah on YouTube »

29. Eva zu Beck

Having recently dived into the impact ‘Instagram tourism’ is having on destinations around the world, Eva’s channel really caught my eye. She create’s travel content about the world’s less visited places! She’s been exploring Syria, Pakistan and Yemen in the past few months, discovering some of the world’s most beautiful hikes, breathtaking islands and delicious food along the way.

Eva is a fantastic story teller and always includes the information and answers you are looking for whether you’re a solo female traveler, or an adventure traveler looking for inspiration for your next trip. I recommend starting with her epic K2 Base Camp Trek in Northern Pakistan.

Watch Eva on YouTube »

30. Karl Watson: Travel Documentaries

If you have ever wanted to go backpacking around the world, Karl’s epic travel documentaries invite you to come along on the journey with him, and then be inspired to start an adventure of your own. His travel content is refreshingly honest, raw and extremely entertaining, as he often opts to go against the grain to explore destinations in way tourists rarely do.

His adventures have included Norway, Japan, Egypt, Botswana, Brazil and more, but if you’re looking for somewhere to start, I highly recommend watching his ‘Taste of India’ series, as he backpacks through the cities of the north and the beaches and backwaters of the south.

Watch Karl on YouTube »


I hope you enjoyed my choices for some of the best YouTube travel channels to follow! Feel free to share your favorites in the comments, and remember to check out my channel too:

Thanks so much for reading, and happy travels! ★


I hope you enjoyed my guide to the best YouTube travel vlogging channels to follow! Hopefully you found it useful. Here are a few more wanderlust-inducing articles that I recommend you read next:

Do you have any favorite YouTube travel channels or vloggers? Join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to share!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

25 Best Travel Movies Of All Time (MUST WATCH) Wed, 22 Dec 2010 14:44:22 +0000 These are the 25 best travel movies ever (in my opinion). You can watch these films over & over again, and never get sick of them. Do you have a favorite?

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.


Best Travel Movies Guide

What are the Best Travel Movies?

Travel Inspiration

These are some of the best travel movies ever (in my opinion). You can watch these films over & over again, and never get sick of them. Get ready to be inspired!

I started to realize I had a travel obsession when all my favorite movies were based on crazy travel adventures. Now I’ve been traveling for over 9 years, with no plans to stop anytime soon.

Here is my personal list of the best travel movies of all time.

Once I’ve finished watching any of these films, I feel the instant urge to pack up everything and head out to explore the world. Great travel movies like these have helped inspire my own personal travel goals over the years.

So if you’re looking for some inspiration to push you into a backpacking adventure of your own, sit down and watch a couple of these fantastic flicks with a bowl of popcorn, a glass of wine, and a friend.

It’s the next best thing to actually traveling!

Just make sure to get off that couch and experience the real thing once in a while, because no matter how good these movies are, they can never replicate the incredible experiences of actual world travel…

My Favorite Travel Movies For 2019

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1. The Motorcycle Diaries

2004 | Walter Salles | Spanish

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The Motorcycle Diaries Movie

The Motorcycle Diaries is one of my favorite movies of all time. The true story of two medical students embarking on a five month motorcycle trip across South America in order to use their medical training to volunteer for a remote leper colony along the Amazon river.

Based on the personal journals of Latin American revolutionary Che Guevara, it highlights the freedom, adventure, and personal discovery that is part of the travel experience. A beautiful movie about one of the most influential people to have ever lived, no matter whether you think his influence was positive or negative.

Get The Movie Here →

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2. Secret Life Of Walter Mitty

2013 | Ben Stiller | English

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Secret Life of Walter Mitty Movie

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty tells the story of Walter (played by Ben Stiller), an introverted, awkward, and anonymous photo editor at LIFE Magazine who’s real life is pretty boring. However Walter has a very active imagination. When his job is threatened, he embarks on the adventure of a lifetime.

Traveling the world from Iceland to Afghanistan in search of his hero while taking risks and conquering new challenges along the way. A mix of incredible visual landscapes, a beautiful soundtrack, and some humor is just icing on the cake. The perfect movie to inspire those yearning for something more out of life.

Get The Movie Here →

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3. A Map For Saturday

2007 | Brook Silva-Braga | English

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A Map For Saturday

A Map For Saturday is a travel documentary that follows one man as he quits his cushy job with HBO to travel around the world for a year and live out of his backpack. It shows the different ways people travel, and gives an accurate picture of what it is like to vagabond around the world long term.

You get to experience both the ups and downs of his trip at a very personal level. If you ever thought of doing something like this, the movie will show you what the experience is really like. It also shows you that anyone can travel cheaply if they really want to. The only thing stopping you is, well, you.

Get The Movie Here →

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4. 180 Degrees South

2010 | Chris Malloy | English

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180 Degrees South

180 Degrees South is a documentary that follows the adventure of a group of friends as they travel to Patagonia in the spirt of their heroes. They pack their surfboards and climbing gear as they sail and drive along the South American coast, learning about the losing battle against industrialization and the destruction of the natural world.

Modern commercial interests fed by the growing human consumption of disposable goods is ruining our planet, and the film shows what some brave people are doing to try and stop it. The movie’s beautiful scenery and fantastic soundtrack mix together with a strong message and travel adventure to create a true work of art.

Get The Movie Here →

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5. Que Tan Lejos

2009 | Tania Hermida | Spanish

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Que Tan Lejos<

Que Tan Lejos (How Much Further) is set in Ecuador, as Esperanza and Tristeza try to get from the capital city of Quito to the town of Cuenca. It is normally a 5 hour bus ride. The two women decide to hitchhike when local strikes force their bus to stop. One girl is a local trying to stop the love of her life from getting married, while the other is a tourist from Spain.

Along the way, they learn from each other while meeting interesting people who help them re-evaluate the purpose of their journeys. The film is filled with beautiful scenery from Ecuador, and gives an authentic portrayal of life in that country.

Get The Movie Here →

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6. The Way

2012 | Emilio Estevez | English

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The Way<

The Way is a beautiful and inspiring tale about a father walking Spain’s Camino de Santiago trail to honor his recently dead son. The experience is an eye-opening an emotional one for him, as he’s forced to make friends with complete strangers and examine his life during the 800km journey.

It features a very eclectic mix of characters, all walking the path for their own personal reasons. The movie certainly made me more interested in traveling along the Camino at some point in my life.

Get The Movie Here →

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7. In July

2004 | Fatih Akim | German

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In July<

In July (Im Juli) is a movie about a road trip through eastern Europe and all the adventure that goes along with it. Daniel is a shy & boring young school teacher who never really does anything fun & exciting. He decides to break out of his shell while chasing a girl from Germany to Turkey on a crazy road trip that will change his life forever.

His travel partner shows him what he’s been missing as they drive, hitchhike, walk, swim, get robbed, steal a car, get in fights, escape from jail, and bribe border guards to get to their ultimate destination. By the end of the adventure, he’s a changed person.

Get The Movie Here →

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8. L’auberge Espagnole

2012 | Cedric Klapish | French

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L’auberge Espagnole<

L’auberge Espangnole (The Spanish Apartment) is about a young, slightly uptight Economics student who goes on an exchange program in Barcelona to learn Spanish before he lands a big job. Xavier is not that experienced with the world, and is in for a surprise when he moves into an apartment filled with international students.

He has to learn to live with 6 other roommates from different corners of the globe, putting up with their cultural and personal differences. The adventures they have will open his eyes to what life can be. It’s a funny and realistic movie, based on the real life experiences of the director.

Get The Movie Here →

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9. The Darjeeling Limited

2008 | Wes Anderson| English

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The Darjeeling Limited<

The Darjeeling Limited is a wacky film about three wealthy, spoiled brothers taking an overland train trip through India. They haven’t spoken in a year, and the trip is supposed to heal and bond them again. Initially it all goes wrong as they bicker and fight with each other. They are all suffering from depression, and pop pain killers like candy.

When it seems like nothing is going right, their crazy experiences along the way finally put things into perspective. The ultimate goal of healing and rejuvenation starts to happen. They finally start to grow up and turn into men. The movie is hilarious and beautifully shot too. It will make you want to visit India.

Get The Movie Here →

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10. A Good Year Movie

2007 | Ridley Scott| English

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A Good Year Movie<

A Good Year is about a high powered London stock broker who’s favorite uncle passes away, leaving him a chateau and vineyard in France. When he visits to quickly prepare the property to be sold for millions, he gets addicted to the laid back, stress-free lifestyle of the French countryside.

He falls in love with a local beauty, and has fond flashbacks of his childhood under the care of his womanizing uncle. The whole thing is very funny, and it’s a great date movie! The underlying theme is that there is much more to life than money, plus it will make you long to visit the South of France.

Get The Movie Here →

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11. Lost In Translation

2010 | Sofia Coppola | English

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Lost In Translation<

Lost In Translation is based on two separate travelers, Bob & Charlotte, visiting Tokyo at the same time. They meet each other and form a friendship as they experience confusion and hilarity in a strange and curious city. Bob is an aging actor starring in commercials, while Charlotte is the bored wife of a photographer there on business.

They are an unlikely pair, experiencing a degree of loneliness in a foreign city filled with millions of people. This is another beautifully shot film that also shows how funny and interesting traveling in a new country can be. The many little random experiences that present themselves while traveling are often the most memorable.

Get The Movie Here →

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12. Lawrence Of Arabia

1962 | David Lean | English

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Lawrence Of Arabia<

Lawrence Of Arabia is the classic story of a young, eccentric British army officer who heads into the Arabian desert to gather intelligence about the Arab revolt against Turkey during World War 1. He ends up leading a guerrilla force of them to attack the Turks.

The setting of the film is fantastic, and it follows Lawrence as he learns about the people and starts adopting some of their customs. I think this is one of the benefits of travel. You learn from other cultures, and adapt your lifestyle around what you’ve learned. Although the “white man leads a bunch of natives” theme is kind of cheesy, overall the film is great.

Get The Movie Here →

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13. Into The Wild

2008 | Various | English

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Into The Wild<

Into The Wild is the true story of Christopher McCandless, a recent college graduate who gives away his live savings and hitchhikes to Alaska. He meets all kinds of people along the way, each with their own stories. In Alaska, he heads out into the wilderness to live on his own.

His life is filled with random adventures and experiences while he makes his way up to “The Last Frontier”. This is what travel is all about to me. Experiences, good and bad, make you who you are. And long term travel is FULL of new experiences. The key is to not completely get in over your head (like Christopher did).

Get The Movie Here →

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14. Seven Years In Tibet

2004 | Jean-Jaques Annaud | English

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Seven Years In Tibet<

Seven Years In Tibet is about an Austrian mountaineer who heads out to conquer a Himalayan mountain in 1939. After getting captured and sent to a prison camp, he ends up breaking out with another man and sneaking into the holy Tibetan city of Lhasa. He befriends the young Dalai Lama just as the Chinese attempt to invade Tibet by force.

Both men are from totally different worlds, yet become great friends and learn from each other. The character starts off as a selfish prick, but slowly changes his outlook on life when confronted with new experiences in a very foreign land. It’s a good movie that shows you how travel adventures can transform your life.

Get The Movie Here →

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15. Y Tu Mama Tambien

2002 | Alfonso Cuaron | English

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Y Tu Mama Tambien<

Y Tu Mama Tambien is about two best friends who meet an older woman at a family wedding in Mexico City. They convince her to come with them on a road trip to a magical hidden beach that doesn’t exist. She agrees when she finds out her husband has been cheating on her. They head out to find a beach that matches their made-up story.

Along the way there is passion, conflict, and jealousy. The film is unrated and has some pretty risqué scenes in it, and may not be for everyone. Their trip reveals the harsh realities of poverty that exist outside their privileged life of the city. It’s an eye opener that all travelers experience at some time in their wandering.

Get The Movie Here →

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16. Vicky Cristina Barcelona

2009 | Woody Allen | English

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Vicky Cristina Barcelona<

Vicky Cristina Barcelona is the tale of two friends who take a vacation to Barcelona, where they meet a mysterious painter, Juan Antonio, who asks them to spend the summer with him. Vicky is the more reserved of the two, engaged to be married, while Cristina is more of a free spirit. The relationship between the three is sexually charged, and drama ensues.

Things only get more complicated when Juan’s mentally disturbed ex-wife shows up. The movie is quite entertaining, and is set in the beautiful landscapes & cityscapes of Spain. I especially enjoy it because it shows how travel can open you up to new experiences. You learn what you’re really made of on the road.

Get The Movie Here →

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17. Encounters At The End Of The World

2008 | Werner Herzog | English

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Encounters At The End Of The World<

Encounters At The End Of The World is an incredibly beautiful and funny movie about the people and animals who live in Antarctica. The film is done by Werner Herzog, one of my favorite directors. The individuals that work at the National Science Foundation research station are full of character, and most are permanent world travelers.

Even if you’ve seen the Discovery channel shows about Antarctica, this is totally different and fresh. I liked it much more than I thought I would, and it has earned a spot on my best travel movies list because as soon as it was over I wanted to pack up and head down there for a bit!

Get The Movie Here →

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18. UP

2009 | Animated | English

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UP is about an old man who spent his life dreaming of world travel and adventure with his wife, only for the both of them to grow old without ever taking any action. Then he finally decides to do something about it, and ends up having the adventure of a lifetime! This animated movie had it all, and was definitely not just for kids.

Most people spend their whole life pushing travel goals off to the future, when they should be living those dreams right now. Life is short, and you have to fill it with interesting experiences as often as you can. This movie does a good job of emphasizing that theme.

Get The Movie Here →

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19. Indiana Jones Series

1962 | Steven Spielberg | English

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Indiana Jones<

The Indiana Jones Series are not particularly accurate travel movies, but they sure are fun! These movies helped plant the seed of adventure in my head many years ago. Who wouldn’t want to go searching for lost artifacts in remote jungles and deserts all over the world?

Indy’s wild adventures have inspired many travelers over the years. Sometimes group tours won’t cut it. Heading out by yourself into the unknown is a whole different kind of travel experience, and very rewarding. But the last one, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, sucks monkey balls.

Get The Movie Here →

Get Out There & Travel More!

Ok, so the thing about travel, is that movies from around the world will never do the real experience justice.

So while I highly recommend you watch as many travel movies as you can, my hope is that these films will inspire you to get out there on your own to explore this big planet!

An investment in travel is an investment in yourself.

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Packing Guide

Check out my travel gear guide to help you start packing for your trip. Pick up a travel backpack, camera gear, and other useful travel accessories.

Book Your Flight

Book cheap flights on Skyscanner, my favorite airline search engine to find deals. Also read my tips for how I find the cheapest flights.

Rent A Car

Discover Cars is a great site for comparing car prices to find the best deal. They search both local & international rental companies.

Book Accommodation is my favorite hotel search engine. Or rent local apartments on Airbnb ($35 discount!). Read my post for tips on booking cheap hotels.

Protect Your Trip

Don’t forget travel insurance! I’m a big fan of World Nomads for short-term trips. Protect yourself from possible injury & theft abroad. Read more about why you should always carry travel insurance.

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Check out these awesome travel movies to inspire your next trip!


I hope you enjoyed my guide to the best travel movies of all time! Hopefully you found it useful. Here are a few more wanderlust-inducing articles that I recommend you read next:

  • Ok, now it’s time to read a book! Here are my favorite travel books that will make you want to explore the world.
  • So, you want to travel more, but you don’t have the money. Here’s how I was able to save money to travel.
  • Check out these inspring travel quotes from famous writers to help cure your case of wanderlust.
  • Working while traveling is the ultimate digital nomad dream. Here are some travel jobs that can help make it happen!
  • Browse my useful budget travel resources page to learn how to travel the world. It’s full of beginner tips.

What are some of your favorite travel movies? Did I miss any good ones? Join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to share!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.
